Oeanus Hafrót 09 September - 30 September 2024

The third edition of Oceanus will happen in the fall 2024. Now “Hafrót” which is a powerful and strong state of the oceans waves. The artists stay from the 9th till the 30th of September 2024 in Eyrarbakki, living, exploring and creating in the charming village. The residency concludes with an exhibition and performances the 28th of September 2024.

Oceanus Dálítill Sjór 06.July - 23.July 2023

Oceanus Dálítill sjór, the second International Art Residence and Art Festival will took place in Eyrarbakki Iceland, from the 6 of July until 23 of July 2023.

The opening date of the exhibition was 15th of July 2023.

Exhibition places were the Potato house in Eyrarbakki and an industrial building, a former fish farming factory.

The artists were arriving from around the world, but also from the neighbourhood; Slovenia, Mauritius, Germany, Poland and Iceland.

Hafsjór - Oceanus International Art Residence and Exhibition, spring 2022 

The arts festival, which took place in Eyrarbakki from 15 May to 15 June 2022, was a collaborative project between the Heritage Museum and artist Ásta Vilhelmína Guðmundsdóttir, who is also curator of the festival.

The artists, from South Korea, Mauritius, Poland, Lithuania, Nepal, Italy, India, Germany, Spain, France, Japan and Iceland, will brought a breath of fresh air to the community. They made their art in situ, in sheds and all sorts of spaces around the village, inspired by the the local community and the museum itself. 

The history and culture of Eyrarbakki and its surrounding district received an entirely new interpretation in the hands of the visiting artists. An opening festival was held on the weekend of 10-12 June, as well as open studios, art workshops offering visitors and artists opportunities to connect. The aim was to achieve broad collaboration by reaching out to local bodies such as schools, preschools and societies in the village. The exhibitions remained open until the autumn 2022.  

Artist Ásta Vilhelmína Guðmundsdóttir is the organiser of the festival. Ásta now lives in the  Skúmstaður district of Eyrarbakki, where she has her studio.

The aim of the festival is to promote artistic creation in the area, to form connections with other cultures, and to elicit the perspective of others on this seaside community.

In Greek mythology, Oceanus was a Titan son of Uranus and Gaia, the husband of his sister the Titan Tethys, and the father of the river gods and the Oceanids, as well as being the great river which encircled the entire world.

Listahátíðin Hafsjór - Oceanus vorið 2022 

Alþjóðlega listahátíðin Hafsjór – Oceanus var haldin frá 15. maí til 15. júní 2022 á Eyrarbakka og var samstarfsverkefni Byggðasafns Árnesinga og Ástu Vilhelmínu Guðmundsdóttur listamanns sem var jafnframt sýningarstjóri hátíðarinnar.

Listafólkið kom frá Suður-Kóreu, Japan, Mauritius, Póllandi, Litháen, Indlandi, Nepal, Frakkland, Þýskalandi, Spáni, Ítalíu og Íslandi og settu svip sinná samfélagið um stund. Þau unnu verk sín á staðnum í alls kyns skemmum og skúrum og sóttu innblástur bæði úr nærsamfélaginu og úr safninu sjálfu. Saga og menning Eyrarbakka og nágrennis fékk nýja túlkun í meðförum listamanna. Opnunarhátíð var síðan helgina 10.-12. júní ásamt opnum vinnustofum, listasmiðjum sem var hluti af því að tengja saman gesti og listamenn.

Listamaðurin Ásta Vilhelmína Guðmundsdóttir er forgangsmaður listahátíðarinnar. Ásta er búsett í Skúmstaðarhverfinu á Eyrarbakka þar sem hún er með vinnustofu. 

Tilgangur hátíðarinnar er að efla listsköpun á svæðinu, mynda tengsl við aðra menningarheima og fá sýn annarra á samfélagið hér við sjávarsíðuna. 



Oceanus Dálítill Sjór 2023

Oceanus Hafsjór 2022

Adress; Kaldbakur

820 Eyrarbakki Iceland

Phone; +354 8971949
